Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Understanding Oneself

how well do you know yourself? honestly...

Me? not that well.

How long would it take to know yourself? honestly...

Me? it seems to be taking forever.

How important is it to know yourself? honestly...

Me? I don't know but i think it should be important.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


got me think while watching 超级星光大道...

one of the judges said that contestants were too busy trying to 表现themselves on stage and too preoccupied with their performance till the extent of forgetting how to sing and present their songs or 表达 their songs to the audience.

he said, when contestants tried too hard to make themselves the star or 主角, they will lose focus and eventually fail to present the songs as well as they should. They should then try to make the songs as the focus point, let themselves fade to the background or 配角 and the let the songs do the talking.

After watching the show, i started thinking... i have been worried for the past 2 weeks since i was offered a job at a totally new environment with a totally different type of people (i'm not really sure, just guessing)...

I was too concerned with how would i do in this new role and am worried sick of how would i cope with all the pressure and responsibilities...

so i've decided, in short, to ignore myself for the time being... and just do the job as i have for the past few years. It may not be the same, specifically,but i'm sure i'll find a lot of similarities to the stuff i've been doing... Fade into the background and let the finished work do the talking...

May God bless me.....


saw one of our "super"model in our Boleh-land the other day... Ms. Amber.

She looks like a tranny... no offence to her fans..... and of course Ms. Amber....


I have been sick the whole week...

Tried to rest a while.... but couldn't, think i've rested too much for the past one week...

Will be starting a different phase of my life soon... very soon... kinda scared...

Jumping outta my comfort zone and doing something totally different... really scared the shit outta me...

May God bless me....